Isafjördur, Iceland, "The Battle of Good and Evil"

Installation: We built a smoking fire in the space, and installed a dead clay cat and a battered chair. The main elements of the first exhibition were the ace of Spades and the fire. We had in mind the story of the death of Dag Hammerskjöld the ex-president of the United Nations. He died in a planecrash in 1961. On his burned body the only object found was an Ace of spades, totally intact. There are more artists that have been inspired by this story, for instance the great heavy-metal rock band Mötorhead with their song "The ace of Spades". In it Lenny sings that gambling is for fouls as himself and that he does not want to live forever, he wants to burn. The group thinks this is an excellent view point. The exhibiton is full of metal, like the gunfight (all the walls of the galleri had bullet-holes in them),fire, smoke and dead cat. From the basement an Elvis song can be heard as well as sounds of violence and barking. The installation bears witness to that the battle between good and evil has taken place in galleri Slunkariki. The question is which force rules Isafjordur.